Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Blender Surprise

This is awesome.

I found this idea through my friend's blog, here.

So I decided to root around in my kitchen and see if I could do something similar.

Huzzah!!! (Anyone else picturing one of the final scenes in the first Pirates movie??)

I found that the Classico sauce jars that I keep fit perfectly on the blender blade. So I loaded one up with cold coffee, vanilla ice cream, coffee ice cubes, and butterscotch syrup. This was for the hubs. NO WAY would I have that many calories in liquid form in one sitting. That man can handle them, but I surely couldn't!

I need to do something about that label. It doesn't look very appealing, huh?

My little ice cubes (made from leftover coffee) are hearts. Way too cutesy. :)

THEN I had the idea to drill holes in the Classico lids so we could use a straw and take these on-the-go! How neat is that? Love a husband with power tools. I was sure he was going to drill my finger.

My mix was yogurt blend ice cream, yogurt, coffee, and the coffee ice cubes. It wasn't too tasty. I need to try a new combo.

I can't wait to make fruit/veggie smoothies this way! So fun!

So tell me: What kind of smoothie do you love to make? Give the goods! :)


  1. Oh I didn't know you could fit mason jars on blenders! What a good idea! I will definitely need to try something in our blender now. Honestly, I don't think I've used our blender since being married and it is a really nice one (or so I was told haha)! Should pull it out from whatever cabinet it is tucked into and give it a whirl.

  2. I LOVE that straw sticking out of the jar. SO cute Nicole! Good job. I'm gonna have to start freezing my left-over coffee :)

  3. I LOVE smoothies - and I love this idea. Thanks! I do breakfast smoothies a lot. These are my usual ingredients:

    Spinach or kale or some other leafy green
    banana, mango, pear, strawberries, or some other fresh fruit
    blueberries, peaches, blackberries, or some other frozen fruit (I always seem to have one of those around in frozen form)
    Chia seeds (1tsp or so)
    Flax seeds (1 tsp or so)
    Coconut Oil (1 Tbsp or so) - I won't go into all the supposed health benefits of coconut oil (it is amazing!), but I LOVE the stuff...
    Almond Milk
    Sometimes I also add broccoli, celery, cauliflower, etc if I have it on hand and need to eat it up and/or feel like I need more fiber

    The hole-in-the-top+straw is SUCH a good idea for a "grab and go" breakfast!
