Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My Dear Friends, I Need Help

Do you even know how thankful I am that you all have been following along as I ramble, cook, process, whine, and get amazingly busy?

It's an incredible thing to read an unexpected message from a friend, even a faraway one. The words many of you have shared with me over the past several months has been extremely encouraging.

And I'm in need, my dear friends.

Yesterday I weighed in, the first time in more weeks than I remember. It wasn't all that surprising, but it was certainly discouraging: 209.4.

There are plenty of reasons I could give, many excuses, true situations and circumstances that have simply made weight loss and overall health very difficult for me to focus on. And looking through old pictures, seeing where I was, what I worked for so hard, and knowing where I am now, just plain hurts. I have to move on though, right? Thank the Lord I'm not alone.

My husband is the most supportive man in the world. We have decided to work on our health as a team. Each of us has goals. God bless that man, because I know I couldn't even entertain weight loss anymore if it weren't for his encouragement. 

Don't judge me, guys, but I haven't exactly stuck to any plans lately. I've been very inconsistent. It's true - I feel kinda lame about that. But! That doesn't mean I quit. Here's the new plan: finish the 30 Day Shred (DVD by Jillian Michaels) and track my calories every day - staying between 1200 and 1500, aiming for the lower amount. After I've finished the initial 30 days, I'll move it down to 5 days a week. The workouts are only 20 minutes a day, which should be doable.

It's going to suck. It always does. I started yesterday.

This is where you come in: I could really use your words of encouragement. An email (listed under the Contact Me page) from a friend, cheering me on, sending me good thoughts would be so welcome. So, if it comes to mind at some point, tomorrow, two weeks from now, months from now, would you send me a note? It would really mean a lot to me.

Wish me luck and say a prayer!

So tell me: What's going on in your life?


  1. I'm with you sista! I started last week and managed one day. then, started again yesterday and did very well. Lots of stuff going on today and I did fine in the morning and fell back to using food as a medicine in the afternoon. But, I'm not quiting. And you too. You can do this. And you want to. Let's keep thinking about our long term health instead of a diet. I want to hear you hollar Hooray with the first five pound, of many, down. I'll do the same. It's only 5. We can do it.

    1. Thank you for your response! We CAN do it! :)

  2. Hello my dear..
    Your post was quite a wake up call for me today.
    I have also gotten back into old habits and gained back 15 of the pounds I had lost. Let's commit to checking in with each other frequently to encourage and kick b*** if need be :)

    1. Kerry, thank you for commenting. How's it coming so far?? :)
