So today Kevin and I went back "on plan".
That means no breads, potatoes, pasta, rice, etc. for Kevin.
That means only Medifast food, lean protein, and veggies for me.
We made an exception for one slice of cake each after his swearing in ceremony tomorrow.
(Did I mention that my husband passed the bar exam?! Yeah, he did. He's awesome.)
We also made an exception for our early anniversary trip that we're taking in two weeks.
I was feeling pretty good this morning when I headed in to work.
Day 1 of anything is usually equal parts exciting and suckage.
And it's Monday.
When I walked in, I saw that my coworker made her famous cinnamon rolls. Rude.
And then the Donut Guy came through the shop.
He's this guy that brings a box of donuts with him. Every. Time. He. Comes.
There are ALWAYS apple fritters and maple bars in there.
Double rude.
Guess what?!
I did not give in.
Small Victories.
So tell me: What are your small victories lately?
Monday, October 15, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Made to Crave: Personal Reflections, Chapter #1
Personal Reflections
1. If you could personify craving based on your experience of it, what form might it take? Would it be like the little orange monster or would it take a different shape? Describe what your craving looks like and how it behaves. If you could sit down and have a conversation with this imaginary craving, what do you think it might say to you? What questions would you want to ask it? How do you imagine it might respond?
My answer: I feel like
my cravings are a sneak attack; I won’t even know I’m having a craving, or
feeding one, until I’m half-way through. It’s like an old friend comes to
visit, I do what I always do, and only realize later on that it was an enemy
the whole time. It is always so enticing and comfortable-looking. I think it,
what I often call The Beast, would promise me that it could make me feel better
– no matter how I’m currently feeling. If I’m celebrating, happy, sad, angry,
bored – it doesn’t matter- it will make me feel better. It says, “Nicole, give
in to me, and the bad thing you feel will go away. Give in to me and I will
make your happiness and celebration even greater! If you don’t use me, you will
regret it. If you don’t eat that food, you’ll feel deprived – and you may never
get another chance to eat that particular food. You can’t handle your issue any
other way; I’m the only one who can help you.” I would ask it why it never
keeps those promises – why I always feel worse eventually for giving in to the
temptation. I would ask it why it chooses me, when I know other girls who do not
have to deal with it. To both, it would probably tell me that I just
misunderstand, that my disappointment or discouragement is my fault – whether I
eat or not.
2. How do you respond to the idea that God made us to crave? Have you ever pursued a craving - a longing, passion, or desire - that made a positive contribution to your life? What do you think distinguishes that kind of craving from the craving that leads you to eat in unhealthy ways?
My answer: It makes a
lot of sense to me that God made me to crave. (I’m choosing to answer with “me”
and not “we” or “us”, because I usually take the easy route- making it less
personal and more general or universal. Just one more way I’m trying to combat
this whole issue. I learned to stick with “me” and “I” in Celebrate Recovery,
so I’m going to keep at it.) Most of the disciplines in my life – as in, things
I started and actually finished – were like a craving, something I couldn’t
quit because of obstacles. Things that ended up being positive pursuits for me:
education, theatre, friendships/relationships, crocheting, learning Spanish,
traveling, Kevin, baking/cooking. These kinds of cravings are under my control,
instead of the other way around. That’s what makes them healthy. I’m still able
to prioritize them, even leave one behind, if need be. That isn’t the case with
3. If it's true that we are made to crave, how might it change the way you understand your cravings? Do you believe there could be any benefits to listening to your cravings rather than trying to silence them? If so, what might those benefits be? If not, why not?
My Answer: I guess my
first thought would be that both God and Satan have influence over me, which
means some of my cravings wouldn’t be good or beneficial to me. I’ve never
really thought about “listening to my cravings” before; it is a really
interesting idea. It is true that I try to silence them, or ignore them, as I
think about it, with food. Listening to them instead would be like giving
myself a chance to figure out if it is a good or bad craving. From there, I can
assess why I might be having that craving. I am a very introspective person, so
I can usually figure out what I’m feeling and why, and yet I “medicate” with
food anyway. In some ways, this seems really hard because listening to my
craving, figuring out why it’s happening, also means I could do something about
it – other than eat. I am not good about making sure my needs are met. I never
want to be selfish or self-centered. So I try to ignore my needs most of the
time, which never does anyone any good in the long run. Listening to my current
craving, naming it, figuring out where it’s coming from, and then doing
something about it (again, other than eat) could be so helpful to me. I have
read so many things about good responses: drink a glass of water, go on a walk,
call a friend, listen to music – basically, distract yourself from the
unbelievable longing for food long enough for it to subside. I don’t usually
try these things. I either just eat, or ignore the craving altogether- which
only lasts so long. It isn’t actually dealing with it. Telling myself that I am
worth taking care of, that the need I’m currently having is worth meeting, that
taking time to listen to my craving and do something positive about it sounds like
a really good idea to me. But talking about it now is so much easier than doing
it in the moment. Not only do I want to eat in really emotional moments, but
eating is also habitual for me. I don’t even have to think about it, my body
just does it.
4. The Bible describes three ways Satan tries to lure us away from loving God: cravings, lust of the eyes, and boasting (1 John 2:15-16). Lysa explains how Satan used these tactics with both Eve and Jesus. Using the list below, think back over the last twenty-four hours or the last few days to see if you recognize how you may have been tempted in similar ways.
Cravings: meeting physical desires outside the will of God. In what ways were you tempted by desires for things such as food, alcohol, drugs, or sex?
My answer: Food. Definitely food. Over the last few days I have eaten every comfort food within my reach – to the point of feeling sickly full. My stomach will feel taut to the touch. I hate that feeling. But I’ve been stressed, dealing with a lot of stuff, so I tell myself it’s okay. And sometimes, I think it is okay to comfort myself with food. Maybe that’s wrong. Maybe I shouldn’t let myself do that until I’m at a point when I have much better control of my food issues. I don’t know. But I do know that I was tempted a lot and that I gave in each time. I would find something full of sugar, fat, or salt to keep the emotions at bay. This has gone way beyond eating to fuel my body. And once I’ve “ruined” my day, I just figure I might as well “start tomorrow” and eat what I want for the rest of the day. Lovely cycle.
My answer: Food. Definitely food. Over the last few days I have eaten every comfort food within my reach – to the point of feeling sickly full. My stomach will feel taut to the touch. I hate that feeling. But I’ve been stressed, dealing with a lot of stuff, so I tell myself it’s okay. And sometimes, I think it is okay to comfort myself with food. Maybe that’s wrong. Maybe I shouldn’t let myself do that until I’m at a point when I have much better control of my food issues. I don’t know. But I do know that I was tempted a lot and that I gave in each time. I would find something full of sugar, fat, or salt to keep the emotions at bay. This has gone way beyond eating to fuel my body. And once I’ve “ruined” my day, I just figure I might as well “start tomorrow” and eat what I want for the rest of the day. Lovely cycle.
Lust of the eyes: meeting material desires outside the will of God. In what ways were you tempted by desires for material things - clothing, financial portfolio, appliance, vacation plans, cosmetics, home decor, electronics, etc.?
My Answer: I really
want to get some cosmetic stuff. And I know it is perfectly find for me to get
a curling iron, blow dryer, flat iron, and makeup. Kevin and I budget for these
kinds of things – both as needs and wants. But, I have been focusing on them
(okay, obsessing) over these things the last few days to try to keep my stress
even further at bay when food doesn’t seem to get the job done thoroughly
enough. Even when I had alone time with Kevin (which is a positive thing I
crave), I found myself on my phone or computer looking up prices of these
things. Good indicator that I’m trying to avoid/ignore/silence a craving.
Boasting: meeting needs for significance outside the will of God. In what ways were you tempted by your desires to prop up your significance - perhaps by name dropping, exaggerating, feigning humility, or other virtues, doing something just because you knew it would be observed by others, etc.?
My Answer: I am total people-pleaser and love getting
those stamps of approval. This often is coupled with feelings of intense
obligation to others, which can foster resentment and anger. This has grown my
codependency in major ways over the years. I can say that I have made great
strides in this area over the last few years, but it still very tangible in my
everyday life.
Of the three kinds of temptations, which is the most difficult for you to resist? Which is the easiest to resist? Why?
My Answer: Food is the
most difficult for me to resist. I think that is because it meets an immediate
need without hurting anyone else (at least that is what I tell myself in the
moment). Everyone has to eat, so in my mind it won’t send up any red flags for
anyone else. Though, I do tend to start hiding and sneaking food when I know I
am giving in to a craving and don’t want to be talked out of it or judged by
anyone – even if that is all in my head. Material things is easiest for me to
resist because I have what I need; when I want something else, Kevin and I save
up for it and I can have it.
5. Jesus quotes the truth of Scripture to defeat temptation. Have you ever used Scripture in this way? What was the result? How do you feel about the idea of using this approach to address your unhealthy eating patterns?
My Answer: The only
experience I have with using Scripture in this way is when I have nightmares.
My mom taught me, when I was very little, to repeat the following whenever I
woke up from a bad dream and was very scared, “The blood of Jesus Christ washes
over me, and Satan has no power here.” It wasn’t a direct quotation of
Scripture, but it was calling on the power of Christ and the truths of the
Bible. To this day, it never fails to protect me through the rest of the night.
In some ways, I love the idea of quoting Scripture to combat unhealthy cravings
and eating patterns, but in another way, I’m afraid it will work and that I
will have to miss out on food. Isn’t that crazy? I love food so much. I love
making food. Cooking and baking are some of my favorite pastimes. I’m good at
it! Kevin loves it. It can be very therapeutic. And I have to eat – I have to
cook for my household. That makes it so hard! This is one of my strongest
arguments. Nonetheless, if I am serious about making permanent changes, I have
to be willing to do anything, right? Especially when my gut tells me it is a
good thing that will actually help me. Making my food issues, my health, about
God instead of about me sounds so refreshing.
So tell me: How would you answer these questions? What thoughts are spurred by this? Do any of my answers resonate with you? Do you have any questions for me?
**All questions were quoted directly from the book: Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire With God, Not Food by Lysa Terkeurst; the answers are my own.**
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
100th Post: 100 Things
- I like chocolate
- I hate dieting
- I hate exercising
- I do both anyway
- I love almost every kind of music
- Colors make me happy
- I hate doing the dishes
- I love when they're done
- My favorite book is A Ring of Endless Light by Madeline L'Engle
- My favorite song is Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy
- I walked down the isle to that song at my wedding
- Mango margaritas from Red Robin make me very, very happy
- Dark chocolate also makes me very happy
- I got to watch one of my nieces being born when I was 12
- Our friends just had a baby boy, who I hold when I need baby therapy, which he delivers quite perfectly
- I'm a Jesus girl
- That isn't an actual thing, it is just my way of saying I'm a 'believer', Christian, without being stuck with a stereotype or label
- Number 17 just negated number 16
- I love taking pictures
- My favorite stuffed animal growing up was named Blanky Bear
- I sucked two fingers on my left (I think) hand until I was seven
- To end that habit, I had to sleep with socks on my hands
- My favorite thing to do right now is sit on my couch with Kevin watching House and eating ice cream
- I majored in Theatre and Spanish in college
- I got my Masters in Teaching after that
- I have a LOT of student debt
- I absolutely love my job as a barista
- My husband finds out on Friday whether or not he passed the Bar Exam
- Pins
- and
- Needles
- Candles and music make everything better
- I got that from my mom
- As well as her penchant for decorating and laughing at her own jokes
- I've yet to taste a type of alcohol I don't enjoy
- I am not an alcoholic
- I love snuggling with my puppy, MacDuff
- He is a pain in the patootie most of the time
- Patooty?
- I straightened my hair last week and LOVE it
- I might get a Brazilian Blowout to have it straight for a few months
- That is not a "downstairs" kinda thing
- But even when I found that out, it is the only thing I can think of whenever I hear the words "Brazilian Blowout"
- Then I laugh to myself, the middle-schooler-at-heart that I am
- I haven't been writing on here much this month
- Things have been kinda stressful
- But God is good
- And so is my husband
- And chocolate
- And onion rings
- Not being able to fit an onion ring into the ranch dipping bowl is a "First World" problem
- It sucks, nonetheless
- I moved MacDuff's big kennel into the office in order to use the heating elements without scorching the little dude
- I love having more open space in here!
- I look at my wedding ring often
- Kevin and I always kiss in sets of three
- One of my favorite customer's name is John
- He gets a 24 ounce iced mocha with 2% milk
- My mom got me the Jesus Calling journal/devotional that I've been wanting, even though she had no idea I wanted it
- Sometimes I miss the Bible like an ache inside me
- That happens when I haven't been in the Word for a while
- It is still really hard to get back into it
- I really want to lose this weight
- My resolve is fleeting
- As are my attempts at healthy eating and exercise
- I'm discouraged
- And yet hopeful
- I'm reading a book called Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire With God, Not Food
- It is incredibly poignant and far too accurate about my experience
- I'm excited to tell you all more about it as I continue to read and process
- I'm singing on worship team again this week
- No matter the situation, I love worshiping God and using that gift to point others to Him
- (I'm beginning to wonder if I should be using periods at the ends of each bullet point)
- Cuddling with my husband, talking about whatever odd thing that crosses our minds, feeling completely safe, and needed, and loved, and treasured, might be when I feel God's love the most
- It has now been four years since I have been in a musical
- I miss musical theatre with a passion
- I got some fantastic clothes at Kohls a couple weekends ago
- Shopping for myself is a love/hate relationship
- Accessories are always easier to shop for; Marshall's did not fail me
- Sunglasses, a case, rainy-weather coat, purse, and Lentil Chips (who knew?)
- Shoes are not easy to shop for: very. wide. feet.
- I had to get new jeans because I wore holes in my old ones
- In the thighs
- I hate that
- It feels like a "fat girl" thing
- I discovered quinoa pasta (also made with corn starch) - perfect for a (mostly) grain-free husband
- Kevin and I are making no-bake cookies for his work all-month-birthday party tomorrow
- That makes me feel grown up
- I cleaned out the fridge today
- Ew.
- We watched Man on a Ledge last night with a free Redbox rental that got texted to me
- Free stuff is AWESOME
- I got the new iPhone 5 and could not be more excited
- Actually, it hasn't been shipped yet, so I don't have it yet
- I check my email about every hour to see if it has shipped yet
- But they told me it would take at least 3-4 weeks
- It's only been two
- I love paying my bills when I know I have enough money to do so and that they are on time
- I always feel accomplished and responsible
- I love writing this blog, even when I do not have lots of time to do so. So don't go away. Keep reading. Keep commenting. Contact me anytime! I would love to get a little more dialogue going on here - when I can manage.
So tell me: What number resonated with you the most? Why? If you made a similar list right now, what would it be like?
And because I can't figure out how to embed photos into the formatted list above, here are the ones I wanted to show you:
The End.
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