Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This Doesn't Get Any Easier

I could write a million and one posts about how tiring and wearing exercise and healthy eating can be. Well, truthfully, the exhausting part is keeping at it. When I am in the groove, enjoying the process, feeling energized and productive, that is the best! The trouble comes when I am down, bumming, in a funk and ready for lethargy and comfort food.

Does anyone else understand?! I know you must! There are just too many diet pills, books, and blogs out there not to have a bunch of people who know what I mean. 

In a Bible study I started recently, which I'll be writing more about soon, the first session asked that we ponder these two verses: Galatians 6:9 and Hebrews 11:24-26. In short, the point is to keep going, to not give up, to press forward when things get tough. When I first read these and wrote my response, I was thinking about many other issues and circumstances (mostly to do with moving/change), but it has carried over into my thinking today... It means sticking to my health goals, even when it's the last thing I want to do.

Speaking of my "health goals", the definition is starting to change. Great, more change. For so long I have thought of it as meeting my exercise/calorie quota each day/week and eventually getting to my goal weight. Those are still true, but I'm finding that seeking holistic, consistent health may be more important. If I am meeting all my 'quotas' but having a terrible attitude or falling apart at the drop of a hat, then what does that say about my overall health? balance? stability? Those are just as, if not more so, important, right?

So tell me: What does overall, holistic health mean to you?


  1. Yep again. I know what ya mean jean. All of it. And for several months I needed to tend to my mental and emotional health more than my physical. Actually, both are equally important along with the spiritual health. However, it was bad enough for me to have to choose what to nuture most. The spiritual always comes in an easy first for me but that does not mean a certain number of pages read or whatever. It is how I daily, contantly really comunicate with my creator. And hear and listen to His voice. (Or Her voice if you're into that. I just don't care myself). But then I had to take some steps. For me, exercise was key because I could release some endorphins (sp?) which led to greater emotional health. The two in one approach. Now, I am finally able to also address the food and drink issue and make healthy choices. Can't say I didn't beat myself up for not doing it all at once, considering my background and profession, but, finally gave myself permission. And also took myself out of some social situations that were blasting me in the face about how I had put on some pounds. So, holistic health, and longevity, my favorite subject, mean being a whole person. The physical, the spiritual, and the relational. I believe the fellowship with family and friends is just as important as a low fat intake. We need to have fun. We need to have love. We need to laugh.(and laugh loud!!!!). We need to cry. We need to support and be supported. Holistic = Whole!

    1. I totally agree with you! Holistic is more important than temporary results!

  2. Love your posts, Nicole! I just started an amazing program called "The Lord's Table." It's through a ministry called, "Setting Captives Free" and there are specialized programs within that for specific addictions. I've chosen "The Lord's Table" which is a 60 day program which helps re-train your mind / body / spirit in why we eat. It teaches, in its daily lessons, how to choose Jesus over cravings and bad choices. It is INCREDIBLE!! I'm only on day 2 but it is rocking my world, and has for many of my friends. You lose weight along the way also, but it gets to the root issue with why we eat like we do. I'd encourage you to check it out. :) Keep it up!

    1. Wow! What a neat idea! How is it going for you now, a few more days in? Thank you so much for reading!!!
