Monday, May 7, 2012

Weekly Update, and "Bleh"

Weekly Update:

Exercise: 4 classroom walks

Weight loss: Still waiting.

So this is one of those "bleh" mornings. I'm fine. There's nothing wrong. The world isn't ending. In fact, I had a wonderful weekend with my hubby. The sun is shining this morning!

And yet.

I feel "bleh".

I'm tired.

Leaving Kevin to go to work invoked tears. It's been a while since that happened. I'll just go ahead and blame hormones.

Not a lot to report. Nothing exciting to pontificate about. (Which I'm sure renders you both speechless and saddened.)

We did see The Avengers. That was AWESOME!!! I'd love to see it in theaters again. It was really good. I loved it. And yes, I do love most movies, but this one was similar to my Inception experience. I left the theater going on and on and on about how good it was. That doesn't happen often. Seeing all the lead-up movies in a marathon ending in The Avengers would be time well spent.

The puppy has started a habit of relieving himself in his bed when we don't come to his beckoning call quickly enough. He needs to go when we let him out (and to hold it), but we also don't want him to learn to use his bed as a potty pad. Seriously. Like having an actual child. I wouldn't name our actual child MacDuff, just in case you were worried.

My eating over the weekend wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either. I used my "extra" points/calories. This may mean a slowing down of weight loss. But they were actually calories well spent. I enjoyed every bite.

It wouldn't be so bad if I had a plan to get my butt back in exercise gear. However, this is going to prove even more difficult with the addition of the Furball. And it is getting easier for me to look for and give into excuses.

So my Pandora station is set to The Cast of Smash this morning. I finally caught up. Loving that show. Pros/cons - as always. But I'm loving it, nonetheless. I would like it if the Pandora station played more Smash and less Glee (I do love Glee, but that's not what I'm really looking for right now). The Disney is nice. Gotta stay positive, right?

Also, grapefruit with blueberries and honey is delightful.

That's all for today. Nothing mind blowing or life altering.

If you'd like to keep those prayers of mine in your thoughts, I'd be grateful.

Also, links to funny/happy YouTube videos never hurts. :)

Here's a video from/of me, singing at Women's Retreat a while back:

So tell me: How are you? How was your weekend? Is your Monday "bleh" today? Any sun out there for you?

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Nicole! Yes, it is as sunny as ever here in beautiful sunshiny Arizona!! :-) Enjoyed your blog, and your song. Have a very blessed day today! Philippians 4:13
