Though I had seen the Facebook notices for a while, the Hunger-Games-inspired post by a FB friend (also the creator of the competition) got me interested enough to take a look.
A little of this, a little of that, and...
I joined a weight loss competition!!!
One of my best girls joined as well, so this will be so much fun!!!
The competition began Monday and will go until August 7th. Three months. There will be a cash prize for those playing for money (which I am not), and an overall winner from the paying and non-paying combined. The winners will be based on percentage of pounds lost. No specific diet regime is required. This could be a great tool to push me through low moments when I feel like caving to cravings or staying on the couch instead of working out!
I took a short hiatus in the Weighing Embargo to put in my accurate stats. If I am going to bust my butt to win (or at least have something to show for it), I'd better do this right!
As of Monday, May 7th:
Weight: 183.2
Body Fat %: 27.79
BMI: 33.5
Height: 5'2"
WPM: 75 (words per minute, in case this helps me lose weight somehow)
Measurements (in inches):
Waist: 35
Hips: 46
Wrists: 6
Forearms: 9.75
Thighs: 25.5
Biceps: 14.5
Neck: 13.5
Bust: 39
Chest: 34.5
Calves: 17.5
[You can see my "before" pictures above.]
Disclaimer: While I am excited to do a competition, and am pretty sure I could give them a run for their money if I worked my butt off - I don't want to lose temporary weight. My goal is to lose permanent weight. This means that if I decide to sacrifice and push - if I really try to win - I'd better be ready to keep off the pounds lost. That is a bit scary to me. The weight has always come back on.
Granted, there will be times in my future when weight will creep back on, I know that. But I don't want to yo-yo violently. And I don't want that to happen often. You know, having babies, life tragedies... It will probably happen at some point. But my goal is to weather those storms/changes well enough that my health is never compromised. That I'm always able to get back in shape, back to a healthy weight.
Given the fact that I do not think I could feasibly change my lifestyle much more right now, my goal is to have some loss to show for it.
[Aside: I started writing this post on Monday afternoon, preparing it for today. I was pretty pumped for the competition and had that "new thing" high going on. Then, the next day, after I weighed - the despair set in. This is where I will dive into Things I'm Afraid to Tell You (a popular blogging trend running rampant through the interweb right now): It was a huge blow to see that I was only two pounds lower than I was in January when I re-started my weight loss initiative. More than two years I have been at this. And, yes, I basically did nothing but gain from February 2011 to January 2012. But I did lose 90 pounds... That's a lot! And I've kept 60 of it off! That's a lot, too! I have to keep reminding myself that I am not starting at square one. My body has become accustomed to this lower weight and increased activity. And plateaued. Plateaued majorly. Heels dug in. Not letting go of those pounds. I am going to have to cry (more), sweat (a lot), and bleed (ouch) to get this body of mine to let go of the pounds it has come to love. Nonetheless, Tuesday was a day of despair. A day of self-loathing. A day to hate diets, hate my body, hate the scale, hate food, hate self-discipline, and hate God for making this so hard. Then- when I admit to myself that I'm hating God, I realize that He is not doing this to me. It simply is. God asks for me to be healthy, to follow Him above all else, and to love. He never promised anything in this life would be easy. Alright, rant over.]
Moving on! Getting excited! Choosing hope and faith and trust!
Already there has been a surge of excitement and community within this long-distance, internet-connected group of gals all hoping to shed some pounds and gain some self-confidence. Sounds right about down my alley, right?
I could use some healthy competition (ha, healthy, get it?) to get my rear in gear!!!
So tell me: What are you doing to find joy in trial? What reminds you that things will get better? Where does your hope come from?
Nicole, it may seem odd at first, but I could really relate to this post. Over the past few years I have been trying to do the opposite of what you are doing: gain weight. To some that may seem really stupid, trying to gain weight, but going through high school and in college I was insecure and sick of being super skinny. It has been incredibly difficult to put on weight for me, and lots of the emotions and feelings you have felt in your journey, I have also felt - frustration, helplessness, fear that you can't keep it off (or on in my case), searching for motivation, trying not to be complacent, etc. So, all of that to say, I am rooting for you. Buena suerte con esa competiciĆ³n!