Kevin was a little too quick to agree.
"What?! You don't like sandwiches and chili from a can every night? I don't know how to make duck-con-fee (see how gourmet I am?)! Remember that one night when you were too stuffed from your lunchtime frozen pizza so I ate chips, salsa, and heated canned green beans, delicately balanced on my lap, while sitting on the arm of the couch? That's variety and ingenuity!"
Perhaps the man had a point. (I'll never let on, though.)
So, this week, with a little planning and creativity, I tried some new recipes, tweaked some old favorites, and added some (real) variety to our evenings (and took way too many pictures of food - see below).
Homemade Pita Chips (a WW member recipe)
I needed to bake the chips a little longer (a bit soggy in the middle), and perhaps one egg white would do, maybe even just the olive oil. Nevertheless, they were quite tasty! And I love a side dish that is filling, delicious, and only 2 Points per serving (4 chips)!
Thank you, Vanna. |
Chicken Tikka Masala (Weight Watchers recipe found here) with grilled asparagus and jasmine rice.
Triple Chocolate Chunk Muffins (Pinterest find, recipe here)
The muffins, each a scrumptous 2-Point snack, earned the hubby's approval (which is something - picky eater) even after my disclaimer: "Hey, try this muffin. I think it's pretty good. Although, they are healthy..."
Healthy is often a buzz word meaning 'less tasty' in my husband's vocabulary.
Honey Applesauce Banana Bread (another pinned win, recipe here)
Though my banana bread got glowing responses from several taste-testers, the hubs is not a fan of the banana flavor. So his disinterest in my FIRSTEVERANDDELICIOUS banana bread doesn't count. I'm not bitter.
(Okay, he did tell me a long time ago that he doesn't really like banana bread... I just happened to forget this small detail when I got all excited about the over ripened bananas I've been freezing for weeks...)
Admiring the hubby's handiwork. |
What I love about the lentil soup is that I can have the hubs get the slow cooker going during the day in between his text book reading and paper writing - which means dinner is basically ready by the time I get home. [And cooking doesn't stress him out at all. Nope, he loves it with a fiery passion. He always asks if he can do all the cooking since it is such a stress reliever. It doesn't send him into a frantic panic or bring a glisten to his brow. He cherishes the moments of solitude and quiet in the kitchen.]
Roasted Broccoli (found while reading one of my favorite blogs, recipe here)
Fresh ingredients, time spent self-soothing in the kitchen, grocery lists, my favorite green apron, the satiated smile on my favorite man after eating good bites, and knowing that I never once jeopardized my weight loss progress or lost flavor along with calories - that is my definition of a successful cooking/baking week.
It's funny how my happiness still revolves around Food. At times.
Planning meals, scanning the shelves of Albertsons to see if anything may inspire my creativity, multi-tasking in the kitchen, smelling, tasting, plating, feeding my love, making dinner for friends, pinning every good-looking recipe on Pinterest, following food blogs, trying quinoa and basil paste for the first time, savoring a square of Dove dark chocolate as I snuggle under the covers for the night, saving up for a splurge of calories with family or at a restaurant.
Slowly, but surely, Food and I shall love each other in a healthy way.
So tell me: WHAT ARE YOU COOKING AND BAKING? Recipes, please! :)
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