Each summer I give in to my obsession with So You Think You Can Dance. And each summer I watch talented individuals do what I wish I could. And each summer I have squealed with delight alongside my girlfriends. (Squealing usually includes the exclamation, "TRAVIS!!!!".)
You know what? I am not a good dancer. Choreography is really difficult for me to pick up. My coordination is only so-so. But, Good Lord Above, every fiber of my being quivers with excitement as I watch, aching to get up and do it too!
I will dance in heaven. I decided. Even if not gracefully, it won't matter.
Sometimes I do dance,
while I'm walking down the aisle in a grocery store
on the treadmill, haven't fallen...yet
in the shower
with my nieces (not in the shower with my nieces... just for clarification)
at my wedding
at anyone's wedding
sometimes in front of the bathroom mirror
wearing a bunny-inspired outfit, I danced one ballet recital at age five.
Perhaps God gave me the gift of song so I could dance with my voice. Though, I will always keep watching all those dance movies and shows so that I can live out my dream through those with the gift. Center Stage, You Got Served, Step Up, I love them all. One of my favorite parts of the few Broadway shows I've seen is always the dancing. Beautiful. Magical. Indescribable.
I would love to have the gift of dance.
So tell me: What do you wish you could do? Do you have a hidden talent?
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