Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekly Update, and Plateau Perspective

Weekly Update:

Exercise: 4 30-min walks in my classroom

Weight Loss: Still to be continued. :)

So. Puppy.

I love him dearly. But I may have hit the side of his kennel last night in anger. He was screaming!!! Then I got up and went out to the couch. Where I slept for an hour.

Granted, the little guy only screamed for about two minutes. But it was enough to piss me off.

And... when I pick him up to take him out to potty, all the love comes rushing back. He's just so darn cute and cuddly.

Seriously- I'm not going to injure him. Really.

I just may think about it at 2:30 in the morning when I have yet to get more than one hour of solid sleep and have to be up at 6:30.

Or maybe this is all a funny joke I'm telling you guys... Maybe.

So. Exercise.

Less this last week due to some bug I've picked up and am fighting off - not to mention the addition to our home. The bug has yet to vacate, so I may not be doing much more than my classroom walks this week either.

So. Weight loss.

Well, I was able to stuff myself into my old 12 jeans! Woohoo! Muffin top? Oh yeah. Still! They zipped up. And I had to wear something to the vet - MacDuff peed on the other ones on accident.

It's not the same as feeling that I'm really back into them, but it is a small bit of inspiration and motivation. Progress is happening people!!!

And let me tell you...

It's esay to forget the progress I have made over the last two plus years:

This change required hard work




and Dedication.

Yes, I regressed some. Gained back 30 pounds.

But that does not a failure make.

Remind me to look at this when I melt down again.

So tell me: How do you keep yourself motivated? How do you let the little things go and focus on positives?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Coconut Soup & Teriyaki Stir Fry

I love trying new recipes.

As you can see above, I spread out. Cooking needs room to breathe!


As I read in a blog, who knows which one at this point, tofu needs to be pressed before it is cooked. 

Fresh lemon gras. Mmmmm. Smells delicious!

Thanks, Babe. The 'workout-clothes look' really does make me look like I'm filming a Food Network episode. ;-)

I baked the broccoli (375 for 20 minutes) and added it to my stir fry after everything else was cooked. For whatever reason, the broccoli never seems to cook fully when thrown in the pan with the rest. This worked wonderfully!

Since I had two new, high-maintainence-ingredient dishes going, I did all the prep work before I started cooking anything. Usually, I prep and cook simultaneously.

Thai Coconut Coup


1-2 T - vegetable oil
2 - chicken breasts, thinly sliced
1 C - mushrooms, sliced
1 - bell pepper, diced
1 T - fresh lemon grass, finely diced
1 T - fresh ginger root, finely diced
1 T - chili pepper paste
1 t - lime zest
1 t - lime juice
1 t - curry powder
 1 C - coconut milk
3/4 C - lite coconut milk
2 C - fat free chicken broth 
1/4 C - fresh basil, chopped

* Brown chicken in the oil until partially cooked through. Set aside. (The strips will continue to cook when added back into the soup.)

* In the same pot, add the pepper and mushrooms. Use additional oil if necessary. Cook through, about 6 minutes.

* Add lemon grass, ginger, chili paste, lime zest, lime juice, and curry powder. Stir. Cook until aromatic, about 1 minute.

* Lower to medium heat. Add cocunut milk and chicken broth. Stir and bring to boil. Add chicken strips, then set to simmer until ready to serve. Add basil just before serving.


Sesame Teriyaki Stir Fry


1 T - sesame seeds
1 t - ground ginger
12-16 oz firm tofu, pressed
1 T - vegetable oil
2 shallots, thinly sliced
1-1 1/2 C - mushrooms, sliced
bell peppers, sliced
1 t - minced garlic
1 C - roasted broccoli
1/4 C - teriyaki sauce

* In a medium-sized bowl, add sesame seeds and ginger. Add tofu. Gently toss to coat.

* In a large pan, cook seasoned tofu in oil until browned on each side. Set aside.

* In same pan, add shallots and mushrooms. Use additional oil if needed. Cook on medium-high heat, stirring occasionally. After 3-4 minutes, add peppers. Cook through, about 4 minutes.

* Add garlic, sauce, and roasted broccoli. Heat through.

* Add tofu, heat through.

* Eat and enjoy!!!

Delicious dinner. And SO filling!

So tell me: what new recipe are you dying to try?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

We Women

Some of My Best Girls.

This past weekend, I spent time at one of my favorite places, Twin Rocks Friends Camp, for a women's retreat.

This is the second women's retreat that I've been to. Both times, I have been the youngest by far. No matter, though; I'm always excited and interested to learn from the Warrior Women who have gone through the battles before me.

The theme this year was the God-Centered Home, or God's Homemaking. There were many wonderful ideas about creating a godly environment in our homes. Many women shared their varied backgrounds - multiple marriages, traditional home and family, dysfunctional family upbringing, nontraditional family configurations. All in all, it was a great time for learning and sharing for the group of women who attended, me included.

However, what I took away, first and foremost, is this: We women need each other.

Have you heard about The Mommy Wars? I hadn't. Not until I read a blog post over at Five Kids Is A Lot Of Kids. Beth has a magical way of bringing humor and truth and vulnerability to her writing. Read her post on Mommy Wars here.
I was quite surprised to learn that this was really a blown-up version of an issue I have been dealing with on a much smaller scale. I wrote about defining femininity here, trying to unravel the mess of opinions in order to say that each woman, each person, needs to do what is right/best for them. In short, that is what Beth said as well.

We women need each other.

We DON'T need women (and I'm speaking to women here) who judge our decisions, compete with our lifestyles, or gossip about our loved ones.
We DON'T need any help feeling guilty or badly about ourselves. Pretty sure we got that one in the bag all by our lonesomes.

It is hard enough to get through each day with a smile on our face. I'll speak from my perspective: It is difficult enough for me to accomplish all the necessary tasks, make the obligatory decisions, spend time with my husband, find time for myself, get enough sleep, eat well, exercise, and make time for people who don't live in our home without added stress and negativity.

I strive to surround myself with women who have similar values and goals. No, we do not all have the same lifestyles. We are so different! Those differences give us greater opportunity for learning, growing, sharing, and a whole lot of laughter. My community is SO important to me.

These Mommy Wars? Really? Let's just take a stand here - decide what is best for our families, and let everyone else do the same.

Can we trust the women in our lives to be doing the best that they can just to get by?

Can we let our judgments and opinions go long enough to simply be supportive, loving, and encouraging?

I need this! Don't you?

We women need each other.

I witnessed the power of camaraderie and fellowship this weekend. Women holding each other up. Figuratively and literally.

Younger women helping older women carry luggage and get up the stairs.

Older women helping younger women make sense of trials and struggles in their lives.

Women doing crafts together.

Women taking walks together.

Women playing Bocce Ball together.

Women eating together.

Women crying together.

Women praying together.

Women laughing together!

I realize that not all women are as socially stimulated by other women as much as I am. But I still believe that there is something special about female friendship. And I am really starting to believe that being choosy about which women get our valuable time is more important than I had thought.

We women need each other.

Married. Single. Divorced. Young. Old. Fat. Thin.

Doesn't matter.

We women need each other.

So tell me: How do you find/make time for friends in your life? What is your favorite way to spend quality time with these friends?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Little Blog-spiration

I did a little digging.

Out there, in the Blog Garden, I found a few ripe for the picking.

As I can certainly attest to, reading a real person's struggles similar to mine reminds me that I'm not alone in this. Whatever this is.

The following blogs caught my attention, spurred some inspiration, and therefore I decided to pass them along:

Can You Stay For Dinner?


The reason I love this blog is... because she has loved herself at every size. You have probably seen a referece to her blog before. I love her. I think she is wonderful. Her writing style is fantastic, her food photos make me drool, her journey and place in life are very similar to my own, and she has a great love of food - despite her previous obesity. Her blog is one of the first I discovered in the Blog Garden of Weight Loss. Her book comes out next year. I am so pre-ordering that memoir!

Escape Frome Obesity

The reason I love this blog is... because she made a very difficult change in her already very busy life. And, she has gained back some of her lost weight - which I can also relate to. When I first started losing weight, I was working part time, living at home, and losing weight was my 'real' job. Now, I am so busy with life and have to make my health a priority; it isn't convenient much of the time. This woman did just that; and as a mom, no less! Her honesty and perseverance inspire me to keep going.

The Token Fat Girl: Seeking a Bigger Life in a Smaller Body


The reason I love this blog is... because she's not at her goal weight. She hasn't ever reached her goal weight. She's still on the journey. As am I. And what a long journey it can be. In her words, "The Token Fat Girl is a melting pot of food, fashion and fitness. I've struggled with being overweight or obese my entire life and while I don't agree that I can be obese and healthy, I do believe that it shouldn't stop me from living a pretty decent life." She has a recent post about caring too much about what others think and how that can stop her from doing the things she really wants to do. Wow, that sounds so familiar! Preach it, Sister!

The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl!

Shauna Reid
The reason I love this blog is... because she addresses her relationship with food in a way that resonates with my story. As she put it, "Food has never just been food for me - it's been an escape from the world; a comfort and a coping mechanism. It's taken me a long time but I'm finally understanding my relationship with food and I've developed a healthier attitude to both my body and the way I eat." This is what I'm striving for! Also, she wrote a book - I'd like to read it!

Fit to the Finish: 150 Pounds Gone Forever

The reason I love this blog is... because she has kept off the weight for over thirteen years and through three pregnancies. One of my fears is that I will reach my goal weight and won't be able to maintain it. Her story is indeed inspirational. A mom to seven! One thing I noticed, however, is that she is pretty hard on herself in her "before" pictures. Her captions paint a picture of self-loathing. Making cookies isn't a bad thing. Making them all the time might be; but I hope to find a balance between maintainence and moderation. Nevertheless, this Dr. Oz featured lady has great advice and offers hope for success! In fact, she now teaches others how to lose weight and get healthy. If the opportunity arose, I think I would be a good weight-loss coach/teacher/counselor. Pipe dream, perhaps.

The World According to Bitch Cakes
The reason I love this blog is... because she is funny and excentric. This blog, Explicit Content warning, details a self-titled Glamour Girl who spends most of her days riding around New York City on her pink bicycle showing off her tattoos (which she hates, check out her blog for her reasons) in skirts, high heels, and a pink boustier. She joined Weight Watchers years back and has documented her journey in full color and with loads of personality. I can't relate to her at all! - Except for her desire to be healthy. She's vegan, wears skirts on a bike, swears, is covered in tattoos, and wears red lipstick - and she has lost weight, which she has thus far kept off. You go, Girl!

I do not know any of these women personally, but I know their struggle. In that, we are kindred spirits. Their words and photos inspire me. Their vision for success, their willingness to push through tremendous obstacles, their fire and passion to be themselves - in one way or another they all tell a piece of my own story.

So go check them out and let me know what you think!

So tell me: What great blogs are you reading? Pass them along!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekly Update, and Introducing...

Weekly Update:

Exercise: 2 30-min classroom figure 8 walks; 2 30-min pumps on the elliptical; 2 30-min strength training sessions.

Weight Loss: We'll see on July 2nd!

As far as how I'm feeling...

Well, I got through a weekend at a Women's Retreat at Twin Rocks Friends Camp without feeling cravings. That was huge for me! Their food is so good. Not to mention, there is always a full snack table at these retreats. But, for whatever reason, I was satisfied with smaller portions, more fruits than any other snacks, and only 2 cookies (which were planned and accounted for)! This was a victory for me!!!

And what an amazing weekend it was. The theme was God's Homemaking, or the God-Centered Home. Many, many good things. Maybe this will find its way into a future post.

My brown work slacks are still a little too tight. Bummer. Found that out this morning. But! My jeans (the bigger ones I've been wearing until I fit into my smaller ones) are getting looser, I think! Woohoo!

Other than starting to feel a bit sick (cough coming on) and tired this morning, my energy has been good and I'm enjoying the amped-up workouts. Still hoping to push through that plateau!!!

Other than my lack of sleep during the retreat, there is another reason I am tired this morning. I spent my night getting up with our new puppy!

Esteemed Readers, meet MacDuff:

So tell me: How was your weekend? Anything exciting happening in your life this week?

Friday, April 20, 2012

But. I. Don't. Want. To.

Change up my exercise routine, that is.

I mean it.

I'm very serious.

It will be bad for my health to exercise more.

Especially if it gets any harder.

You see, I have my pattern. My routine. The plan. And it works for me!

By "works for me", I mean I don't have to think about it...and it's not very vigorous.

Not too much sweating. It's comfortable. That's good, right?

Yeah, everyone tells me, if the plateau isn't scampering away in fear simply with a diet change, it might need an exercise change-up to flee for good.

But, I just believe that my way will work. Eventually. Maybe.


It hasn't worked. And my aggravation only increases.

So I'm doing this more:

And this at all:

Those are some pretty sweet pants. The 80's ain't got nothin' on me.

Do you see the joy? The rapture? The unending, unequivocal excitement???

Yeah, me neither.

But I'm going to do it anyway. Remember how I said I had a new (temporary) goal of working out more often for a month? Well, I really want to achieve that! And I REALLY want to beat this plateau!

So despite my very real inability to do even one push up or sit up (which my husband did not believe until he saw it for himself), I will pump on that elliptical and let Kevin boss me around on a yoga mat. (I'll just go ahead and say it: "That's what she said!" - I told you that I work with middle schoolers, right?)

There it is. The ugly truth. And I can't believe I'm letting you see me in me stellar workout clothes - at least you can see my pained expression smile.

So tell me: What do you do for exercise? How often? What do you love the most?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quick & Easy Chili (Chile?)

I never know which spelling is correct. Today you get both.

Chili, as I mentioned recently, is one of my favorite go-to dinners. Opening up the pantry, I pull out the basics and anything else that sounds good at the time.

Lately my chili has included:
  • one 2 tsp olive oil
  • one diced onion, diced
  • one or two Tbsp minced garlic
  • one 30 oz can of chili beans
  • one 15 oz can of kidney beans
  • one 10 oz can of yellow corn
  • two 15 oz cans of diced tomatoes (one drained)
  • one 10 oz can of tomato sauce
  • one tsp cumin
  • one tsp basil (or oregano, sage, parsley, whatever I'm feelin')
  • one tsp salt (always easier to add more later when/if needed)


Saute the onion and garlic in the oil in a large pot on medium-high heat. I use my Dutch oven for this chili. Once the garlic is aromatic, add all canned ingredients. (I only drain one can of tomatoes, but you can drain more of them to get the desired chili texture/consistency.) Stir together. Add spices. Stir again, for good measure. Heat through on medium heat, stirring occasionaly. (All the good recipes say "stirring occasionally" somewhere.) Let the chili simmer, covered on low heat, stirring occasionally, until you have the desired thickness.

Ladle up and eat with favorite toppings! I love adding fat free sour cream and shredded mozzarella cheese. Sometimes I'll add some of my favorite hot sauce (Valentina), diced onions, or crushed chips for texture.

This chili is even better the next day, so be sure to save the leftovers!


So tell me: What is your favorite go-to dinner?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hunger Pains. (Not Games.)

Over the years, I have learned to hate hunger pains.

Or rather, I've avoided them like the proverbial plague.

I ate when I felt like it. As it is with emotional eating. I rarely experienced true hunger.

Hungry. December 2009.

Since overhauling my eating/exercise habits two years ago, I changed to eating when I schedule it.

It still isn't about need. Well, it is in a way. I know that my body needs food every 2-3 hours to keep me from getting hungry. I also need to fit in a certain amount of fruits, veggies, lean protein, and dairy in my day, not to mention a specified calorie total. So I schedule my meals. Down to each individual calorie.

My hope is that once I have reached my goal weight, I will maintain my weight through a combination of scheduling and eating when I need to - when my body tells me that it's hungry.

Here's the problem: I don't always know when I'm hungry.

My body often mimics hunger pains when I know I shouldn't be hungry. Or should it? I eat about 100-150 calories every 2-3 hours. Dinner usually takes up more of my allotted portion. So maybe my body is hungry an hour after lunch, which is to say, whatever snack-meal I ate between noon and 2pm.

Bowling. And hungry. August 2009.

Since starting this weight loss journey, I have heard (and tried) many tips to do with hunger pains. If you know you shouldn't be hungry/need more food: Wait 15 minutes. Drink water. Go for a walk. Call a friend. Drink more water.

Many of us who have dealt with overeating and unhealthy weight can often lose our ability to self-monitor our eating. It isn't just about self control, it is a learned habit, one that is very difficult to change. Our relationship with food has become unhealthy and unnatural. That is why we have "tips and tricks" of all sorts. That is why we read countless blogs, articles, magazines, and books about losing weight. We have to get rid of hurtful habits and learn helpful new ones.

After reading one of my favorite blogs a while back, though I can't remember the specific post, I got to thinking about hunger pains. Yes, a rumbly tummy can be a body's way of telling its owner that it needs food (or a quick trip to the restroom, though that would just be inappropriate for me to allude to here). But does that rumble mean you need to eat immediately? Is hunger bad?

What does the rumble mean?

Does it have to be a hated occurrence dramatically equated to near-starvation and the stress of all things food related? (As it can be in my case....)

Can the rumble simply be a reminder of good things to come?
A reminder of what I have, which many do not.
A reminder of my choices to schedule each of those darn calories to one day look back and see my progress and successes.
A reminder that my body has been designed to use food as fuel.
A reminder of that delicious dinner I'm making.
A reminder of the benefits of sacrifice and discipline.
Playing cards. Hungry. March 2012.
Perhaps I will begin to love the presense of hunger pains, rather than loathe their very existence.
We'll see about that.
It's a place to start, anyway. :)
Hungry and happy about it. March 2012.
So tell me: What natural occurences do you use a reminder? What do you do with hunger pains?